Genetics and Molecular Research (GMR) publishes Book Reviews, Brief Notes, Case Reports, Comments, Corrections, Errata, Homages, Letters to the Editor, Methodologies, Mini-Reviews, Obituaries, Opinions, Points of View, Research Notes, Retractions, Reviews, Review Articles, Short Communications, and Thesis Abstracts, with emphasis on publishing the results of original experimental research studies that contribute significantly to our main focus on genetics and molecular biology. If you would like us to consider a review article, please consult the editor first; send a proposed title, a brief outline, and a list of papers relevant to the review published by the author(s). GMR is an exclusively online journal.
The journal is maintained by the nonprofit scientific foundation Ribeirão Preto Foundation for Scientific Research (FUNPEC-RP) and articles are open-access.
GMR requests that authors pay article processing charges. These charges include a submission fee and a publication fee. For more information, please click on publication charges.
Contact the editorial office [] if you have any questions.
All GMR articles must meet the highest standards of scientific quality, both in terms of originality and significance, and the research findings reported should make substantial advances. Because the journal serves a wide, varied scientific community, article abstracts, introductions, and conclusions should be comprehensible to non-specialists and stress any wider implications of the study. However, papers should not compromise on scientific rigor and detail demanded by an international research journal. The broad readership that GMR attracts gives authors an opportunity to convey the importance of their research to a large audience, including specialists. The journal is currently indexed in over 64 services; see [].
Contributions should be sent via upload, using the form available on the site.
A fundamental requirement is that submitted manuscripts not be previously published, nor may they be submitted or published elsewhere simultaneously. Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, the publishers acquire full and exclusive copyright for all languages and countries. The use of registered names, trademarks, etc., in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
All papers should be prepared in U.S. English. An initial evaluation of the language will be made upon receipt of each manuscript. Those that are considered inadequate for initial review will be returned or sent out for correction at the discretion of the author. A manuscript will be considered officially accepted when GMR receives a revised version from the authors with all corrections requested by the reviewers.
Before final acceptance, a submission letter with the title of the article and names and signatures of all the authors should be sent by e-mail to []. Galley proofs for final revision will be sent in PDF format via e-mail. All authors are co-responsible for their submissions and should make every effort to check the paper before this final step to avoid the need for costly reformatting and potential introduction of new errors.
GMR articles have no rigid length restrictions. They should contain sufficient technical detail for an expert reader to understand and assess the methods and results. There is no page limit for GMR articles, but authors should be concise for two main reasons. First, our electronic peer-reviewing system relies on e-mail, and very large files occasionally cause problems. Second, lengthy manuscripts can be cumbersome to read and study. Peer-reviewers tend to dislike them, and they take longer to process. An additional consideration is that readers of electronic journals often print articles to read them. For reference, a 10,000-word article is equivalent to approximately 11 printed pages.
How many pages would you be willing to read on-screen or print out?
GMR is a peer-reviewed journal. Only original manuscripts will be considered for publication. Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers before a decision is made concerning publication. The entire process is conducted electronically to speed progress and final publication. Papers will be published online once they are fully processed. Papers accepted in their final form between January 1 and March 31 constitute the first issue of each volume, and so on. There are four issues per year.
Manuscripts in U.S. English, along with a cover letter from the corresponding author, should be submitted to the editor at [] in.doc file format, saved using Microsoft Word 97 for Windows or a later version. Do not use formatting features such as Word’s “Heading” styles or “Style Sheets.” Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, spacing, length, and consistency of usage in form and descriptions should be checked before submission. Please also check references for accuracy. Ensure that all figures and tables are mentioned in the text, and that all references are cited in the text. Figure and table files (see below) should be separate from the main document file.
Authors are required to provide the following information with their electronic submissions:
Author submitting the article; article title; authors (full list); institution; article type and session; status of article (e.g., new, revised, etc.); postal address; e-mail address; phone number; names and types of the files sent.
To submit your manuscript, click here.